Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Well my 2013 tournament season started off with a bang. A couple days into my annual, month long Guntersville visit, my old trusty suburban started acting up. I vowed to have a new ride to start the season after truck problems totally took me out of the game at the BWS National Championship on Sam Rayburn last fall but I thought I'd try and squeeze one more trip in. It was only the alternator but it was something that had to be dealt with and the deciding factor in me cutting my trip three weeks short! I headed home and straight to the nearest Toyota dealership and I am now the proud owner of a Toyota Tundra. The few days I did fish weren't much to write home about which seemed like another good reason to come home and get everything taken care of so I could be ready for a fast approaching, very busy KY Lake tournament schedule. I was catching about 18lbs a day running around throwing a Red Eye shad but I was getting very few bites and 18lbs on Gville in February might get you a sniff at a check.