Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I helped out a friend who had some boat trouble this morning so I didn't get on the lake until 11am.  I decided to give the old conventional tactics another try so I headed to Roseberry Creek and flipped, square billed, trapped, jigged and medium cranked everything in sight.  I hit one little community spot with a Strike King series 5 and popped a couple 16"ers and a 5.5lber but I tore the thing apart just to get those 3 bites.  I never drew a strike with the 1.5 on shallow stumps or flipping docks.  I finally threw a Redeye shad down a mile long stretch of milfoil and hit one little stretch that was crammed full of 13"-15" fish but NO big ones.  On my way back to the ramp I finally got enough time on my Mercury to do some idling so I side imaged a few river ledges.  I've gained a ton of confidence in my ability to I.D. bass on side imaging to the point that I'll guarantee an electronics course client their money back if we don't catch bass when I see bass that are catchable and we don't catch 'em.  Well, somebody would've gotten a free trip today because I was 110% sure I spotted a load of largemouth on a river ledge that were in a feeding mood and I caught 6 white bass out of the "school"!  I'm not sure what the deal was but whites don't look anything like largemouth on SI and all I can figure is that when my big swim bait spread swam through there they scattered.  Either that or white bass group different on Gville than every other lake I've been to and I think we all know that's not the case.  Oh well, it was a little disappointing because I just knew it was about to be a beat down.  I ended the day with 8 keepers and 14lbs or so on my best 5.  Lot of work left to do if I plan on drawing a check this weekend.

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